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08-Jan-2003 11:24 AM
 New Ugrad Alumni Journal !! Post Reply
Community member
Location: Ukraine
Home Coutry:
Hey, people,
I've just received a whole bunch of copies of the New Journal for FSA Undergraduate alumni "Notes from UnderGrad"
The first issue!! Let's celebrate!? )
I'll be sending them out personally via regular mail to all Ugrad alumni in Ukraine. So, soon, you'll read exciting news and see familiar names and faces in the Journal for Ugrads.
vasha masha

08-Jan-2003 02:53 PM
 Re: New Ugrad Alumni Journal !! Post Reply
Community member
Location: Egypt
Home Coutry:
Hello Mashka

I hope that you didn't forget to sent this to me Didn't ya?


09-Jan-2003 10:10 AM
 Re: New Ugrad Alumni Journal !! Post Reply
Community member
Location: Canada
Home Coutry:
SEND ONE TO MEEEEEEEEEEEE I'll pay for the mail. That will be great to know what going on around. PLEEAAZ!

10-Jan-2003 04:33 AM
 Re: New Ugrad Alumni Journal !! Post Reply
Community member
Location: Ukraine
Home Coutry:
Taras, I guess I don't send the journal to the recepients in the US, but I thought a bit, and found a nice way out for you.
There is an online version. It is absolutely identical to the one on paper, I've checked
tell me if you cannot open it, and we'll think of something else. Anyway if you don't get your copy, you'll get it
vasha masha

10-Jan-2003 04:37 AM
 on-line version-1 Post Reply
Community member
Location: Ukraine
Home Coutry:
I've just checked - you need to be a group member to read the journal.
You can become the member of the group (they don't send as much as I do, if send anything at all
or bother me a bit and I'll send you an email with an attached .pdf file.
hugs again,
vasha masha

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