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05-Jul-2003 06:12 AM
 PD scholaship Post Reply
Community member
Location: Sudan
Home Coutry:
Hi folks,
I have joined the this fantastic website, i am interested in doing PD in Public Administration in the US, would a good samaritan be kind enough to give me all the necessary information.

06-Jul-2003 11:52 AM
 Re: PD scholaship Post Reply
Community member
Location: United States
Home Coutry:
Well, man, it is kind of cool you turned to "here-to-be" people for help, but I need to note that information about PhD is so much diverse that I would not even try to provide all of it even in a huge message.
In addition, I think it is kind of bad manner to ask general questions. So, spesify and if somebody knows something and has time, he/she will reply.


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