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30-Nov-2004 06:15 AM
 Ph.D. program/CERGE-El in Prague Post Reply
Location: Germany
Home Coutry:
Dear Alumni,

This is to inform you about CERGE-EI in Prague, which offers an American- style Ph.D. program in theoretical and applied economics. Their program leads to a Ph.D. degree accredited both in the Czech Republic and the U.S.A. Currently, no students pay tuition and they pay a monthly study stipend to all students. Application is free, and all interested people are encouraged to apply.

Please find a short description of the program below. If you would like to receive printed materials for your own use or you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact them.

Why study for a Ph.D. in Economics at CERGE-EI?

CERGE-EI is the only U.S. university-accredited Ph.D. program in Economics in the Central-Eastern European region,

CERGE-EI offers a full tuition waiver as well as a monthly stipend for all students,

CERGE-EI offers participation in current research projects along with regular coursework.

What you can do:

inform your students and other prospective applicants about CERGE-EI,

spread information about CERGE-EI to other interested people or institutions,

advise us as to where to find talented potential students.

To receive more information:

read and use the short description of our program below,

reply to this email and request additional information, which we will send immediately,

view and download information from the web:

Distance Learning Project (DLP)

The DLP offers distance-learning courses in economics to prepare applicants for CERGE-EI Ph.D. study. DLP studies combine traditional study texts with Internet-based learning. Detailed information at

Email contact for universities and institutions:

Email contact for prospective students:

Other contact information:

Charles University in Prague - CERGE-EI

P.O. Box 882

Politickych veznu 7

111 21 Praha 1, Czech Republic

Tel.: (420 2) 24 005 161

Fax.: (420 2) 24 005 247


Ph.D. program in brief:

The Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education of Charles University and the Economics Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (CERGE-EI) in Prague invites interested persons to apply to its program of doctoral studies in theoretical and applied economics, leading to a PhD degree which is fully accredited in the United States and the Czech Republic.

CERGE-EI provides modern post-graduate training in the field of economics. The four-year program consists of two years of coursework followed by two years of supervised dissertation research. The working language of the institution is English. CERGE-EI graduates have assumed positions in government ministries as policy advisors, chief economists of international banks, professors at universities, and economists at research institutions all over the world.

The application deadline is March 30.

All students are granted tuition waivers and monthly stipends for up to four years of study-no separate application is necessary. Successful applicants will be invited to participate in a competitive two-month preparatory semester in July and August, after which final admissions decisions will be made.

We are also looking for partners who would organize recruitment and admission of students in their home country; please contact us.

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