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    AbroadPlanet Forums -> ANNOUNCEMENTS! Post new topic
06-Jan-2005 05:50 PM
 Q&A Live on Earthquake and Tsunami Relief Post Reply
Location: Germany
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Dear State Alumni Members,

We are pleased to announce a new, special Q&A Live event to discuss the tragic earthquake and tsunami in South Asia. The Q&A will be Wednesday, January 12, 2005, 8:45-9:30am Washington, DC time (you can check to see what time this will be in your area at

Our guest will be Greg Gottlieb, Deputy Director of the Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance at the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). Mr. Gottlieb has worked with disaster assistance for over 20 years with USAID. He was previously Director of the Africa branch of the Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance. He has worked for USAID in approximately 30 countries. Mr. Gottlieb has a law degree from Loyola University and an MPA from Harvard University.

Mr. Gottlieb will take questions about the international relief effort in response to the December 26 earthquake and tsunami and any other related topics that are of interest to alumni. If the time of this Q&A Live event is not convenient for you, you can submit your question now and check back later to read the transcript. Please keep in mind that he may not be able to answer all questions. You can submit a question by logging into the site and visiting:

Please join us for this interesting online event! Feel free to contact if you have any questions.

The State Alumni Website Team

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