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23-Aug-2004 10:56 AM
 RBD open grant competition/Eurasia Foundation Post Reply
Location: Germany
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Eurasia Foundation Representative Office in Armenia
Request for Proposals
Regional Business Development
open grant competition

Organizational Overview
The Eurasia Foundation is a privately managed institution that receives significant
funding from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), with
additional support from other governments, foundations, corporations, and
individuals. The Eurasia Foundation was established in 1993 to promote the
development of democratic and free market institutions in the twelve New Independent
States (NIS) of the former Soviet Union. Its primary tool in pursuing these goals is
a small grants program that responds quickly and flexibly to the needs of NIS

In fulfillment of its purposes, the Foundation invests resources in local
institutions that help citizens become active participants in the political and
economic life of their countries, while simultaneously striving to
build strong partnerships between such institutions and their counterparts in other
democratic nations.

Since independence in 1991, Armenia was striving for a modern democratic government
and free market economy. The last decade was marked by significant changes in the
sphere of private sector development. More
than 80% of the GDP is produced in the private sector. At the same time, the
analysis of the socio-economic state of Armenia[1] showed the economic
centralization in the capital and low level of economic development of
marzes (regions). Insufficient level of development of Small and Medium
Entrepreneurship (SME) in marzes is preconditioned, among other reasons, by the lack
of capacities of regional Business Support Structures (BSS).
Regional chambers of commerce, business support centers and other NGOs that provide
services to SMEs in the regions mostly lack technical, organizational and financial
capacities for effective service provision.
The current initiative is aimed at strengthening technical and organizational
capacities of the selected structures through grants and Organizational Development
consultancy support.

The purpose of this competition is to select regional BSS type of organizations with
real potential for organizational growth and strengthen them institutionally,
helping to reach financial and organizational

Supported Activities
Within the framework of this competition the Eurasia Foundation will support
projects that include mechanisms promoting and encouraging the growth and
development of a profitable private sector in regions. They may include activities
directed at identification and solution of problems that prevent business
development in the regions of Armenia. Examples of such activities include
conducting research, training, information dissemination,
publishing, and organization of exhibitions and trade fairs, introducing quality
standards to ensure export promotion. This may be done along with the strengthening
of the organization's technical and human capacities,
enlarging the range and scope of services, establishment of different departments
within the organization's structure, providing specific training opportunities in
areas of leadership, management, member services and
finances and other relevant topics. It may also support other mechanisms that will
lead to the achievement of the overarching goals of this competition.

Within the framework of this competition grantees will be provided with
Organizational Development support from EF staff and its consultants.
Forms and mechanisms of such support will be defined jointly by the EF and grantee
organization's management. Possible approaches will include conducting participatory
Organizational Assessments, SWOT analysis, as well as developing Action Plans for
Capacity Development.

Qualified Applicants
Regional Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CCI), NGOs and business centers are
eligible to participate in the competition provided they are registered in
accordance to current legislation. These organizations should be based either in
target regions (marzes) or have an established branch there.

Proposal Selection Criteria
The Foundation will consider the following criteria to ensure fair selection of

§ Compatibility of organization's mission and strategy for proposed project
§ Staff capacity to implement the project
§ Organizational history and experience in developing SME in regions
§ Level of self-revenue generation for recent three years
§ Readiness for Organizational Development process

Project design
§ Justification of problem
§ Level of impact on project beneficiaries
§ SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound)
§ Logical connections and relevance of objectives, activities, outputs and
§ Feasibility of proposed approach
§ Monitoring and evaluation plan
§ Feasibility of the self-sustainability plan

§ Relevance of proposed activities and budget, as well as its cost-efficiency
§ Level of input from own resources (is desirable)
§ Level of co-funding (if available)

Use of Grant Funds
Organizations submitting proposals must be prepared to carry out certain
responsibilities should they win:
1. Competition winners will have to sign a grant agreement with the
Foundation. Pursuant to that agreement, grant funds and equipment must be used only
for activities directly connected to the project.
2. The winners of the competition should participate in the seminar on Grant
Management and get acquainted with requirements pertaining to financial and project
reporting of the Foundation. All expenses should
be in compliance with USAID rules and regulations. For more information, see
3. The winners should express their agreement to exercise control over the
appropriate utilization of equipment purchased through project funds, as well as
take necessary measures for their maintenance and operation. Such equipment should
be used exclusively for grant implementation. The Foundation reserves the right to
withdraw equipment provided under grant resources should it find out that the
equipment is not being used for the purposes agreed upon.

Applicant organizations should provide detailed budget narrative, which explains the
uses of funds and how estimates were determined (monthly expenses according to
project plan). The Foundation primarily supports
costs associated with undertaking a particular project, such as salaries and fringe
benefits of project staff, project-related travel, consultants' fees, communication
costs and supplies. In addition, some allowance for
indirect costs may also be included. The Foundation may also provide support for
equipment (e.g., personal computers, typewriters, copiers, fax machines), provided
that the equipment is not readily available at the applicant's institution and is
necessary to carry out the project. The budget must cover all eligible costs of the
project. All items must be broken down into their individual components. The number
of units for each component must be specified.

For further information refer to "Application Packet Proposal Format" or to the
Foundation web-site:

Decision Making Process and Competition Schedule
The Foundation will provide limited support to interested organizations on
Preparation of Applications in a pre-bid consulting seminar to be held in Yerevan on
August 25, 2004 at 12:00 p.m., at the premises of the Yerevan
Office of the Foundation at 4 Demirchyan Street. Individual consultation will not
be provided.

Competition schedule:
Competition Announcement: August 17, 2004
Pre-Bid seminar: (12:00 p.m.) August 25, 2004
Application Submission Deadline: September 10, 2004
Announcement of Competition Awards: October 5, 2004

The review and proposal selection process will be done in three phases:
1. Basic selection with rejection of those proposals which are evidently out
of the competition's frame or EF's general mandate.
2. Selection of best proposals by a Committee comprised of EF's program
officers and outside consultants (optional)
3. Presentation of selected proposals to EF's Advisory Board members for final

Award procedures will be conducted in compliance with Foundation policies.. A
detailed grant agreement with all necessary attachments will be signed, and a grant
management seminar provided to the project's key personnel. All applicants will be
informed about the Foundation decision before October 5, 2004.

In order to participate in the competition, all eligibility requirements as outlined
above should be met. The proposal submitted to the Foundation should include:
§ Two hard copies and one electronic copy in Russian or English of the
project proposal, developed according to guidelines provided in the current Request
for Proposals.
§ Grant Management Questionnaire should be filled out and necessary
documentation provided.
§ A letter from the organization confirming readiness for Organizational
Development support.

According to Application Guidelines, the project proposal should consist of the
following sections:
q Basic information on the applicant
q Project Description and Justification
q Budget. The expected projects' budget range is $10,000 - $35,000. These
numbers are indicative only and should not be treated as compulsory. Projects are
expected to have duration from 9 to 18 months.

Incomplete proposals will not be considered.

The purpose of seeking this volume of information is to make certain that the
Foundation has conducted sufficient due diligence to enable it to determine whether
applicants are highly likely to fulfill the goals of the competition.

The Foundation does not use information presented by applicants for purposes other
than review by its own personnel (or in this case by the judges of the competition)
and does not provide this information to any outside
persons or institutions, except in cases where it is required by the legislation of
Armenia or by the Eurasia Foundation.

The Eurasia Foundation is not required to return documentation submitted in the
process of application.

For further information regarding proposal and budgets see section above Use of
Grants Funds and EF Application Packet or visit the web-site:

Address, Contact Information and Delivery of Proposals
Application packets must be submitted to the Yerevan office of the Foundation no
later than 5:00 p.m., September 10, 2004, to Marina Ayvazian, Private Sector Program

[1] Conducted by the Ministry of Industry and Trade and Economic Development (MTED)

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