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16-Sep-2003 06:21 AM
 SAT ( Scholastic Apptitude Test ) Post Reply
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Q1. Is the first SAT score only taken into consideration by colleges?

Q2. Can I re-attempt SAT tests and give my best score only to the colleges in USA ?

25-Dec-2003 08:18 PM
 Re: SAT ( Scholastic Apptitude Test ) Post Reply
Community member
Location: United States
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SAT is considered by all colleges as some kind of an entry exam!
go to
you can send to colleges all your SAT scores they will take only your best, even if they were in different tests!

11-Feb-2004 10:35 AM
 Re: SAT ( Scholastic Apptitude Test ) Post Reply
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Location: Pakistan
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For registraion for discount please
send a mail on
very cheat registraion!!!

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