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23-Feb-2005 06:32 AM
 SEG Foundation Scholarship Program Post Reply
Community member
Location: Ukraine
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In 1959 the Society of Exploration Geophysicists began a program of encouraging the establishment of scholarship funds by companies and individuals engaged or interested in the field of geophysics. SEG saw the need for a more appropriate organization and caused the SEG Foundation to be organized.
The number of scholarships available depends chiefly upon the number of sponsors and the amounts they contribute. For the 2004-2005 academic year, the Foundation awarded 124 scholarships totaling $223,250. This represented 60 renewals of scholarships to students on a continuing basis and 64 scholarships to new recipients receiving grants for the first time. In addition to general scholarships, other scholarships are available to students who meet specific criteria.
The Scholarship is awarded to students majoring in geophysics, who have an interest in and aptitude for physics, mathematics and geology. Applicant must be one of the following: (a) a high school student, (b) an undergraduate college student, or (c) a graduate college student whose studies are directed toward a career in exploration geophysics in operations, teaching or research.
Any recognized college or university which offers courses of study in geophysics or a closely related field may be chosen by the recipients, subject to requirements for admission and any restrictions specified by the sponsor.
Application may be obtain from the SEG foundation,
PO Box 702740,
Tulsa, OK 74170-2740
by March 1 of the year
or downloaded from
Tel: 918-497-5530
Fax: 918-497-5557

[Message was edited by ellen on March 03 ]

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