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23-Oct-2004 10:41 AM
 Tips for music abroad Post Reply
Community member
Location: United States
Home Coutry:
Hello – Has anyone ever done any type of music exchange in Germany? I’ll be heading to Berlin in a few months and I am hoping for advice on fitting in, what to do, etc... I’m a bit nervous about it, but it’s not like people haven’t visited Germany before. If there are any pitfalls or particularly fun things, please let me know.


25-Oct-2004 02:26 PM
 Re: Tips for music abroad Post Reply
Community member
Location: United States
Home Coutry:
Someone wrote me to say I should brush up on my German lol --- yes that is fairly obvious and I have 2 years of german under my belt,

I am on a budget to and I will want to fly back and forth at least twice, once for a holiday and one desparation home sickness trip. I was told has good prices, are there any other airlines, websites that cater to the coed?


25-Oct-2004 04:43 PM
 Re: Tips for music abroad Post Reply
Country editor
Location: Germany
Home Coutry:
hey, I study in berlin now. #d b glad 2 help somehow or give a piece of advice, but I canät comprehend what u need, what#s ur prob. what sort of music exchange in Germany r u talking abt? 1 thing can 4 sure advice anybody planning 2 live in germany 4 a while – refresh ur deutsch wordstaff.
gluck, LIl

19-Jul-2005 02:59 PM
 Re: Tips for music abroad Post Reply
Country editor
Location: Germany
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