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12-Mar-2004 09:44 AM
 Ukrainian Political Science and Economics Associations Building Project Post Reply
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Ukrainian Political Science and Economics Associations Building Project

Currently Consortium for the Enhancement Ukrainian Management Education is in the
process of creating the Associations of Economists and Political Scientists that
would provide specific services to its members not provided by existing
associations. In comparison with other existing associations in Ukraine, these two
associations will possess a bigger spectrum of activities and opportunities for
Ukrainian political scientists and economists. In addition to activities of the
existing associations, such as annual meetings and publications of a quarterly
journal, associations will also focus on professional development, joint research,
cooperation with western associations and educational institutions, as well as
lobbying of new standards of education with government officials. Associations will
have individual membership and will unite professional economists, political
scientists and fąculty members specialized in political science and economics. In
order to support the development and enhancement of both associations at the initial
stage Ukrainian Political Science and Economics Associations Building Project within
the framework of the Eurasia Professional Exchanges and Training Program through the
joint effort of the University of Minnesota (Center for Nations in Transition (CNT)
at the Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs) and the Consortium for
Enhancement of Ukrainian Management Education (CEUME), an Ukrainian Not-for-profit
Organization, is being launched.


Consortium for the Enhancement Ukrainian Management Education (CEUME) in framework
of the Ukrainian Political Science and Economics Associations Building Project
organizes internships in the USA focused on the building human capacity of the
future regional leaders for the two associations, as well as, regional researchers
and academic teachers that will lead educational and research groups within the
associations in the regions.

To serve this objective, two types of targeted internships will be organized in the
United States:
1. Internship on Associations Development to ensure leadership and sustainability of
the Ukrainian Associations (Round 1);
2. Internship on Research and Teaching Methods to foster the high-quality teaching
and research in the regions and Associations leadership building (Round 2).

A total of 24 internships are available, 12 in each round (six - for political
scientists and six for economists).


Application deadlines are as follows:

Economics Association
Round 1: March 25, 2004 - for August 2004 Internships

Round 2: September 30, 2004 - for January 2005 Internships

Political Science Association
Round 1: March 25, 2004 - for September 2004 Internships
Round 2: January 31, 2005 - for September 2005 Internships

Application Procedure

In order to be admitted to the selection process, applicants should submit together
with the application form:

1. Cover letter
2. Current CV
3. Results of TOEFL or equivalent exam demonstrating proficiency in English*
4. Personal statement
5. Two letters of references
6. Copy of three most resent professional publications

* - persons applying for the internship are responsible for submitting a prove of
proficiency in English to CEUME by the end of the interviewing period (April 17 for
the first round, October 10 for the second round).

All application materials must be submitted in English by the specified deadlines
to: CEUME, Esplanadna Street, 28, Suite 7, 01023, Kyiv.

Selection Criteria

Eligible candidates for internships should posses:

1. Internship on Associations Development (August 2004):

- Track record and future willingness, commitment, and potential to contribute to
the development of professional associations in Ukraine for Political Science or
Economics and their outreach;
- Strong organizational and communicational skills;
- Experience in educational setting;
- Ability to communicate effectively in both spoken and written English;
- Prior experience in associations’ management is preferable;

2. Internship on Research and Teaching Methods (January 2005):

- Evidence of commitment to and potential for professional growth and excellence in
teaching and research;
- Current teaching position in the educational setting;
- Experience in research (publications);
- Experience in use of any statistical software;
- Ability to communicate effectively in both spoken and written English;
-Track record and future willingness, commitment, and potential to contribute to
activities of professional associations in Ukraine for Political Science or
Economics and their outreach;

Selection Process

For selection purposes the Internship Review Committee will be created. Committee
will include representatives of the donor organization, foreign and Ukrainian
educators. All applications will be considered by the Internship Review Committee
and the best candidates will be selected and invited for a personal interview with
the Committee by April 5, 2004 for the first round, and October 10, 2004 for the
second round.

Interviews with Finalists and Final Selection

The interviews should be completed no later than April 17, 2004 for the first round,
and October 30, 2004 for the second round.

The final selection should be announced no later than April 19, 2004 for the first
round, and November 10, 2004 for the second round.

Application forms and additional information could be requested by e-mail:

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