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International Students Online

    AbroadPlanet Forums -> ANNOUNCEMENTS! Post new topic
13-Sep-2004 08:24 AM
Location: Germany
Home Coutry:
Hello guys,
it'been so long time since I haven't heard anything from you. I hope you are doing
fine. How was your reentry impressions after a year of US studies?

I really miss the time we were together in Bakersfield, having great time together.
Unfortunately I have only your email addresses from "Dream Team".
I want to propose an idea to you. I am working on a Conference/Summit project for
Caucasus. I wonder if you have a will to participate it. The topic of the summit
will be cultural and religious tolerance and democratic issues in Caucasus region.
This is just a working title, I am just startet to work on it. The project will
include children and national minorities rights. We will held different conferences
were representatives from Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia will get together and work
on the topic.

Again, this is just a working version of the project. If you are interested in it,
please contact me to continue work on it and provide you with the sufficient info.

And one more thing,

Please forward this letter to other FSAU alumni fellows from your countries or give
me their email addresses and I will do it,

thanks guys and I am looking for get responces from you soon,



if interested, plz email to "levani svimonishvili"

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The time now is: Thu Sep 10:09 pm
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