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    AbroadPlanet Forums -> ANNOUNCEMENTS! Post new topic
27-Jan-2005 10:33 AM
 United World Colleges Movement Scholarships Post Reply
Location: Germany
Home Coutry:
If you have anyquestions, please
contact Oleh Zadoretskyy at directly.


Description: Promoting the idea of international understanding, the
United World Colleges Movement has brought together top students and
faculty from around the world to exchange ideas, live and grow together. The
movement was founded in 1962 to advance the ideals of understanding,
peace and co-operation between nations. To date, there are 10 related
colleges around the world, hosting more than 2,000 international students.
The students are selected by the corresponding National Selection
Committees, based on personal merit and commitment to the UWC ideals, and
completely regardless of financial ability, race, or religious beliefs.

This year Ukraine has been offered three scholarships, completely
covering all the expenses: one - to the USA and two - to Italy (in the
second case, the applicants are not expected to have any conduct of the
Italian language - the curriculum is held in English). For more details,
please, visit the website of the Ukrainian National UWC Selection
Committee at (mirror page at ). The application deadline is March 20,
2005. If you have any questions regarding the program, feel free to either
post them in our guestbook or contact the members of the Selection
Committee directly.

Country: Ukraine
Deadline: 20-Mar-05

Contact Person: Oleh Zadoretskyy
Contact Email:
Organization: UWC-Ukraine

Community Moderators: Neo, LILKA
The time now is: Thu Sep 05:09 pm
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