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    AbroadPlanet Forums -> ANNOUNCEMENTS! Post new topic
02-Mar-2005 03:42 PM
Location: Germany
Home Coutry:
Dear fellow alumni,

We are Anna Shmagel (FSAU, FSA/FLEX) and Ksenia Zemlyanova (FSA/FLEX) from Perm, Russia.
At the moment we are working on a project for the LIGP (Local Initiative Grant Program), which includes a conference devoted to improvement of CIS residents’ image in Russia (approximate date of realization – October 25-27, 2005).

Short description of the conference:
Target audience: Perm high-school and university students
Some key activities:
- Presentations of CIS countries - prepared by participating school teams;
- Speeches on various aspects of CIS residents’ problems in their interactions with Russians - delivered by guest speakers;
- Presentation of projects aimed at improving the image of CIS residents in Russia - developed by participating school teams through the course of the conference;
We expect to draw public attention to the event by providing broad coverage in mass-media.

How YOU can help:
We want our conference to be effective and address the issues that really are the most important to CIS citizens in their interactions with Russians. That is why we want your expert opinion and we would like to ask you for your input.
We offer you to represent your country by writing a short essay (1-2 pages) on the problems which your fellow citizens experience while staying (or living) in Russia. This essay doesn’t have to be scientific, you just present your perspective argumentatively and in academic manner (research is welcome, but not mandatory).

Your essay will constitute the basis for students’ discussion and their final projects aimed at improving the image of CIS residents in Russia. It will also be included into conference publication materials, which will be distributed among several Russian universities. Also if you wish, you can become a conference consultant: once you submit your essay, we will contact you with further questions and use your expert advice to make our conference more objective.

The essays are not due until September 2005, and, of course, we will provide you with further details. At this point we need to conform your participation. So if you would like to be your country’s representative please e-mail us as soon as possible! at with the following information:

1. Your full legal name
2. Your alumni status (i.e. program, year, etc.)
3. Country of residency
4. Short statement of conformation
5. Your contact information

Unfortunately, due to budget limitations, we can not offer you direct participation, since we won’t be able to cover your travel expenses. But we are sure that you can make a very valuable contribution into this event.
Don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions,
Best regards,
Anna Shmagel and Ksenia Zemlyanova

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