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25-Jan-2006 09:41 AM
 Update on International Scholarship 25.01.2006 Post Reply
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ScholarshipNet Newsletter: 25.01.2005

Current updates on scholarships and postdocs can be accessed at:
(Select "Scholarships List" and choose an appropriate category)

1. UK: International Undergraduate Scholarships, University of Newcastle upon Tyne
2. The Netherlands: The HSP Huygens Scholarship Programme for International Students
3. USA: International Undergraduate Scholarship, Kent State University

1. UK: PhD Studentship in Adipokines & Myeloid Cell Immune Responses in Periodontal Disease & Diabetes
2. UK: Newcastle International Postgraduate Scholarship (NIPS) Awards
3. Taiwan: Academia Sinica, Taiwan International Graduate Program
4. Finland: PhD Studentship in Computational Physics, Helsinki University of Technology
5. USA: PhD studentship in Theoretical Modern Cosmology and/or General Relativity
6. The Netherlands: The HSP Huygens Scholarship Programme for International Students
7. Germany: Doctoral Fellowships in Economic Sociology and Political Economy
8. The Netherlands: Open PhD Position in Integrated Optical Functions
9. USA: PhD Position in Computational Science (Scientific Computing)
10. France, USA: PhD positions in the Robust Mathematical Modeling
11. UK: University College London (UCL) Graduate "Open" Scholarships
12. UK: University College London Pathfinder Scholarships
13. USA: International Student Scholarships, Grand Valley State University
14. Switzerland: Funded PhD Position in Indoor Nano Flying Robots
15. Australia: International Fee Waiver scholarships, Charles Darwin University
16. Germany: PhD Scholarships in Mathematics in Industry and Commerce, The University of Kaiserslautern
17. UK: Marie Curie Training Fellowships
18. France: Full PhD Fellowships in Chemistry in Toulouse
19. Turkey: MA in Advanced European and International Studies
20. Germany: PhD Stipends at The Graduate School of Social Sciences (GSSS), the University of Bremen

1. USA: Postdoc Position in Iterative Methods at Baylor University
2. France: Postdoc position in Optimization at Universite Paul Sabatier
3. USA: Postdoc Position in Image Processing at The University of Texas Houston
4. USA: Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in III-Nitride Optoelectronics, Lehigh University

Current updates on scholarships and postdocs can be accessed at:
(Select "Scholarships List" and choose an appropriate category)

A forum has been created to allow information exchanges among scholarshipnet members. You are all invited to joint the forum. You can share your experience and information there to help other fellow international students or request some helps from them.

Please visit scholarshipnet forum at:

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