Brat-3: ACTR Students Community
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25-Sep-2002 02:16 AM
 Vnimnie!!! Post Reply
Community member
Location: Tajikistan
Home Coutry:
Nu vot opyat' ya . I uzhe ne obizhennaya... Neo vse obyasnil i ya prostila vsekh na svete

Neo, Nu eto prosto super (khot' ya i ne mogla registrirovat'sya tselyy mesyats ;)... no design prosto super!). Da ya zametila, chto khodyat teper' syuda studenty ne tol'ko iz SNG. Klassno! I esli chestno, dazhe togda kogda ya byla obizhena na ves' svet, ya byla nu ooooochen' rada, chto abroadplanet rasshiryaetsya!

TIMKA!!! DA ya poluchila tvoe pis'mo. Navernoe schas syadu pisat' otvet . Ob alumni association: U nas tut est' alumni association, pravda ya v etom dele malo uchastiya prinimayu, no organizator etogo association (rozhe U-grad) skazal chto mozhet share svoim experiensom. Tak chto esli chto ya napishu, esli est' voprosy, sprashivayte, peredam.

MUSLIBA - esli vdrug zaydesh' prochitaesh'... chego tebya ne vidno, a??? Zakhodi pochasche!!!

OY!!! nu vot! i vpervye ya uvidela featured country - Tajikistan

Ladno, ya pobezhala, a to ya segodny anaglym obrazom v prisutstvii prepodavatelya vstala i ushla s zanyatiy.. tak khot' na rabotu poydu!


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The time now is: Thu Sep 12:09 pm
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