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    AbroadPlanet Forums -> ANNOUNCEMENTS! Post new topic
22-Sep-2004 10:05 AM
 World W/o Borders/AIESEC Ukraine Post Reply
Location: Germany
Home Coutry:
World Without Borders

Project of AIESEC in Ukraine

World Without Borders - a humane project which aims to acquaint Ukrainian youth with
other cultures, to expand their outlook, to break their stereotypes concerning other
cultures, to show all infinity and beauty of our planet through alive dialogue with
young people from the other countries from all over the world.

66 trainees from different countries are coming to Ukraine for a two-month
development traineeship. Trainees are divided into different groups of 6,
representing various cultures and going to 11 different Ukrainian cities.

Trainees travel around from school to school, visit universities giving lectures and
presentations about their countries and cultures, getting acquainted with Ukraine,
its people, customs and traditions.

Trainees are not paid any salary but they are provided with

- accommodation and food;

- travel costs for the 3 conferences held in Kyiv, Odesa and Lviv

- best reception activities and integration with Ukrainian AIESECers and

- possibility to develop themselves personally and professionally

- make an influence on other people breaking their stereotypes and
broadening their outlook

Details at

If you would like to participate, or need further information, contact AIESEC in
Armenia at

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The time now is: Thu Sep 10:09 pm
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