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    AbroadPlanet Forums -> ANNOUNCEMENTS! Post new topic
05-Apr-2005 10:55 AM
 Zonta International Post Reply
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Location: Ukraine
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Since 1928, Zonta International has addressed challenges to women’s equality in science, business, public affairs and government by providing critical financial support through programs aimed at furthering women’s education, leadership and youth development.

Amelia Earhart Fellowship Program
The Amelia Earhart Fellowships were established in 1938 in honor of Amelia Earhart, famed pilot and Zontian. At the time, few women were active in aeronautics, science or engineering. In
fact, no qualified applicants were found in the first two years the Fellowship was offered.
Since then, Zonta has awarded 1,087 Fellowships totaling over US$5 million to women representing 57 countries. As a result, doors have been opened for women to become astronauts, aerospace engineers, astronomers, heads of companies, geologists, business owners, even the Secretary of the US Air Force.

Young Women in Public Affairs Program
Zonta International recognizes the international need for increased participation of women in public affairs at all levels. The Young Women in Public Affairs Awards encourage young women to pursue careers in government, public policy and community organizations.
The Young Women in Public Affairs Awards recognize pre-university and pre-college women students committed to leadership in public policy, government and volunteer organizations.

Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarship Program
Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarships are helping women pursuing undergraduate degrees in business management overcome gender barriers, from the classroom to the boardroom.
Since 1998, 157 Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarships have been provided to women representing 32 countries, enabling women to find their place in the business world.

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