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27-Mar-2002 09:34 PM
  Renewing F-1

I have a valid F-1 visa which expires on the 5th of June 2002. I am planning to apply for a new visa
pretty soon.

My question is as follows:

If my application is rejected and I do not
get a new visa stamp, can they cancel my
old visa so that I can not get back to the U.S.?


30-Mar-2002 10:01 PM
 Re: Renewing F-1
Unless the visa consular finds any discrepancy in your application, there is no reason the embassy will cancel your existing F-1 visa. Let me tell you a real story. That helps you understand.

A student with valid visa goes back home after one semester to bring his wife with him. When he applied as unmarried for his own visa a semester ago. Now, when he went to apply for his wife's visa, the consular found that the student was married way before his application for his own visa but he did not write that down. The consular denied not only the student's wife's visa and also cancelled his existing visa.

The happy part of the story is that the student got a new visa after another semester!!

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