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05-Oct-2001 07:19 PM
Just venting my frustration here.

You may remember that on the day of WTC attacks there was an announcement that some middle eastern men in a white van were arrested on their way to blow up a George Washington bridge.

I've just read that these were 5 Israeli guys who worked for a moving company in New Jersey. FBI has investigated them for weeks under very harsh conditions, assuming they were Arabs. Eventually they are going to be deported on INS charges.

Yeah, good luck finding Bin Ladin if you can't tell an Arab from a Jew.

And for all of you who might look middle eastern - be carefull guys, all right? Americans don't really know who's against who out there.

10-Oct-2001 01:52 PM
 Re: Huh?
That's both funny and sad at the same time, Serge. It doesn't inspire confidence in the awesome skills of the FBI does it?

13-Oct-2001 03:52 AM
 Re: Huh?
I have not seen any news like that. It is probably that case that I missed it after being glued in front of the TV for hours after Sept. 11. Do you have any web source for that news Serge.

14-Oct-2001 07:12 PM
 Re: Huh?
It was in an Israeli newspaper, "Yediot Ahronot" on 5.10.2001. I didn't see it in English. I don't think it's such an important piece of news, considering everything else that's going on. It just demonstrates how unprepared America is to deal with the situation. If I see it on the web I'll let you know.

26-Oct-2001 09:53 PM
 Re: Huh?

29-Oct-2001 06:50 PM
 Re: Huh?
Wow, that's interesting.

01-Nov-2001 10:52 PM
 Re: Huh?
Yeah, fundamentalist muslim terrorists brothers Kurzberg.

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