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22-Jun-2002 05:23 PM
  Need help: Student-had a baby-and now illegal
Hi there,

I just want to find out if anyone knows what I can do...I was studying for one semester but because of having a baby, had to drop out , also then after some time I had to start working in order to pay for everything.

I have been working for two years and it seems as if they don't want me to finish my course, so I am considering going back to my country: but how do I go about leaving and also how do I go with my child??

Will they be very strict if I want to leave with the baby?

Thank you


23-Jun-2002 07:51 AM
 Re: Need help: Student-had a baby-and now illegal
You will not find yourself with any trouble from INS when leaving USA but it could get very tricky if you want to bring your child back to USA in the future.

I assume you've used Medical, WIC or other type of government funded program to pay for your medical expenses and INS will be able to find out about you status violation and government funding abuse when you return to USA next time with your child.

Two of my friends were deported this way.

07-Jul-2002 11:26 AM
 Re: Need help: Student-had a baby-and now illegal
Dear Drifter
Things are not as you say; the baby was born here so the baby is US citzen ; she can use Medical; WIC and get Food stamp for the baby without problem.

The problem is now her because she is illegal; but the baby is fine; just make sure you get a US password for your baby before you leave this country; he may need this in the future.

07-Jul-2002 06:34 PM
 Re: Need help: Student-had a baby-and now illegal
U just apply for a green card on the base that Ur child is a US CITIZEN.

07-Jul-2002 07:27 PM
 Re: Need help: Student-had a baby-and now illegal
I believe her question was ˇ§but how do I go about leaving and also how do I go with my child??ˇ¨

DER is right about only one thing: Her baby can enjoy social benefits as all US citizens. BUT, that gives plenty of reason for not letting Lana return to USA again in the future. Iˇ¦ve personally seen people got rejected for admission at LAX. And two of my friends were deported with the same airplane they flu in.

As to EEˇ¦s suggestion, Lana will be able to apply a Green Card thru Family Petition but she needs to wait 18 YEARS! And that is if nothing change soonˇK..

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