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International Students Online

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23-Oct-2000 03:55 AM
What exactly do I need to do when transferring schools.Whats needed.
Also even if the INS issues me with a new I-94,will I need to get another visa if I go to my country on vacation.

25-Oct-2000 09:15 PM
 Re: Transferring
You need a new I-20 from the school that you'll be transferring to, and the int'l. student advisor at that school needs to "process" it (the person needs to add your I-94 number to it & indicate that the I-20 is issued for your transfer to their school).

The advisor will typically require a letter or form from your current school indicating that you're currently "in status" (basically that you've been attending there full-time and haven't to their knowlege worked illegally).

You don't need a new I-94 card or new visa simply because of the transfer.

Best wishes.

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