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21-May-2001 02:32 AM
  Still waitin' for INS reply....need advice!
I sent my I-20, affidavit and all that , asking for a
change of status (from B1 to F1) about 4 months
ago! haven't heard from them yet.... is this
normal? is there any way i can find out If they
RECEIVED my papers or not, a number i can call?
i just finished my first semester at this community
college- full time student... i also registered for the
fall semester. How more should i wait? If later on
i received a denial , am i still getting the credits?
and how long would the college wait for me,
allowin me to continue my studies? wouldi still get
the credits though?
any advice would be greatly apreciated!!!

21-May-2001 08:47 PM
 Re: Still waitin' for INS reply....need advice!
Looks like this year INS processing time for change of status are quite long. It can take them a year to approve your application. It also depends on a state you are in.

You can check approximate processing time at the following URL (check for I-539 processing):

This page also lists phone numbers of different INS Service Centers. I don't know how to determine which service center is in charge of your state, I'll try to find out.

I don't think you have to worry about your credits, even if INS declines your application.

Did you send your documents with registered mail? You are supposed to have a receipt from the post office, it can help you prove that you have actually sent your papers to INS in case they say they didn't get them. (If your school has sent your documents for you don't worry about the receipt).

22-May-2001 08:58 PM
 Re: Still waitin' for INS reply....need advice!
You have been waiting for 4 month, it's not that bad, i have been waiting for 6 month and have not heard a word from them. Check if they cleared you money order or check that you send to them and if they did than they are reviewing it already and also it depends in which state you are, some states are way behind right now.

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