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23-Oct-2000 06:44 AM
  ARMY on a f1 visa??
Does the army/ navy accept international students? I heard just citizens and legal residents only are able to apply. But is there any way of gettin in without being one or the other?? how about having an american H.S diploma? or a student visa?
anybody reply asap please!


23-Oct-2000 09:42 PM
 Re: ARMY on a f1 visa??
Sorry, but they were right. You might want to go and talk to a recruiter. Sometimes they can do things to help you get in. Anyway it is worth a shot.

Good Luck

24-Oct-2000 03:52 AM
 Re: ARMY on a f1 visa??
My answer is based on an interview with a commander of the Marines that I've read about 5 years ago.

He said that Marines accept foreign citizens. You have to be in America to apply and you have to pass the selection, obviously. Marines are somewhat different from the rest of the army and navy. I don't think a regular army would accept foreigners - otherwhise most of US Army would consist of foreigners.

The Marines commander also mentioned that soldiers who got an honorary discharge (were not kicked out, that is)have a right to get a Green card or something like that.

I've seen it in an Israeli newspaper and he indicated that they would like to have Israeli soldiers in the Marines.

So go talk to them in a recruiting station.

23-Nov-2000 12:00 AM
 Re: ARMY on a f1 visa??
you can request more info about Marines here:

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