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02-Jul-2002 01:52 AM
  failed i need to go to US immigration?
hi there, I took 12 units in the college in CA, but i got F in a class, my GPA is 2.18 in the sping semester. Do i need to go to immigration? coz my international student adviser told me that i have to there. I heard from my friends it's possbile to combine the summer semester units with the sping. Is it possible to do that? But the adviser said i cannot do that. So I dont know what should i do now. Please help me.

02-Jul-2002 02:44 PM
 Re: failed i need to go to US immigration?
It is STRANGE that your int. student adv. told you to go to INS. You were enrolled for a full 12 hours. That means you were a full-time student.

02-Jul-2002 09:30 PM
 Re: failed i need to go to US immigration?
that you have to go to INS now... but maybe later, coz u will need more time to finish your degree, coz of the F. so.. later at that stage, i think u need to go to INS for extension of your F1 visa.

03-Jul-2002 03:43 AM
 Re: failed i need to go to US immigration?
Your DSO or International Student Advisor has the final word on your current legal status in USA. You could be considered out-of-status if you failed to show INS and your DSO that you are making satisfactory academic progress!!
Of course, most of DSOs and International Student Advisors would choose to just give you a lecture and put you on probation for one term before sending you straight to INS for ˇ§Reinstatementˇ¨.
Sounds like your advisor is a potential candidate of my ˇ§ Worst Student Advisorˇ¨ award! Want to share his/her name with us ?

03-Jul-2002 09:36 PM
 Re: failed i need to go to US immigration?
Heh... I agree with Drifter on this. Normally DSO would try to help you out. DSO has the final word. Try to negotiate with her.

Or try getting advice from other DSOs and show it to your advisor, this is a link to advisors' board:

06-Jul-2002 06:41 PM
 Re: failed i need to go to US immigration?
You have mentioned DSO putting students on probation. Exactly what type of probation you are talking about? So far, I have only seen "academic" probation and that is entirely done by the respective department of major, not by international student office. The probation happens if a student can't maintain certain GPA and/or can't keep some other academic rules.

Also, if you are out-of-status (by INS rule), DSOs encourage students to apply for reinstatement right away. I have not seen any "probation period" or anything like that.

I may be missing something here. An 'F' for one course should not be a problem unless the student is on academic probation. Saying that, this 'F' could be a potential problem if the student needs extension of I-20 to complete his/her program of study. That is the only time a student has to convince the DSO that he/she is making satisfactory progress toward finishing the program of study. This would be problem if the student's GPA is not good.

07-Jul-2002 07:43 PM
 Re: failed i need to go to US immigration?
"Statusˇ¨ probation is what I was talking about and is strictly up to the DSO to exercise it.

Perhaps you havenˇ¦t seen enough :> No offense.

07-Jul-2002 07:51 PM
 Re: failed i need to go to US immigration?
ˇ§Saying that, this 'F' could be a potential problem if the student needs extension of I-20 to complete his/her program of study. That is the only time a student has to convince the DSO that he/she is making satisfactory progress toward finishing the program of study.ˇ¨
-Read this sentence again, I think you sort of answered your own question already.-

08-Jul-2002 12:42 AM
 Re: failed i need to go to US immigration?
Thank for your answer. Can you tell us something more about this "status" probabtion? I don't know anything about it.

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