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12-Feb-2002 01:47 AM
  F1-->Illegal work---->F1
I've been continuing to work although my OPT expired last year. I'm thinking about going to a graduate school, but not sure if I will run into problems with INS when my next school issues me a new I-20 for the master's program. I would appreciate your insights. Thanx in advance.

15-Mar-2002 02:23 AM
 Re: F1-->Illegal work---->F1
If you're still in school you are fine even if you're working illegally. The INS doesn't know about it...

12-Apr-2002 10:58 PM
 Re: F1-->Illegal work---->F1
Yeah, the INS has a big mouth but they don't really do anything. They love to scare you with threats like they're gonna deport you but truth is, they're too busy chasing after terrorists and illegal Mexicans.

To me, they're just a bunch of idiots who give visas to terrorists then pretend like it's not their fault.

13-Apr-2002 07:45 AM
 Re: F1-->Illegal work---->F1
There's a certain possibility that student advisors and the INS will overlook how long you've been out-of status. DSOs may not care and INS may not notice. To me it seems a bit unlikely.

13-May-2002 03:04 PM
 Re: F1-->Illegal work---->F1
Hi I am currently living in England as a Uk Citizen. I have been trying to find a way to move over there legally but it will never work so I have to resort to the less safe option of just coming over. Can anyone help, where do I start, how do I find a job and somewhere to stay ?

HELP !!!


Oh and good luck to everyone over there with whatever you are all doing.

17-May-2002 07:39 PM
 Re: F1-->Illegal work---->F1
The DSO at your new school ( Graduate Program) shall be able to find out the fact that you've overstay in US and might suggest you to apply an reinstatement. You shall be careful with this option ! you will be required to have an interview with INS and success rates are lower than 50% at this time.

Leave me your e-mail , I might be able to help ! There are ways to take care of this problem but I would not want to publize them.

18-May-2002 05:43 PM
 Re: F1-->Illegal work---->F1
Hi drifter,
As I am applying for reinstatement, am wondering about your statement of less than 50% chance of success. Is it possible that I can talk to you (over the mail) about this.

29-May-2002 07:35 PM
 Re: F1-->Illegal work---->F1
InTrouble :

What is your story? Let's hear lt.

31-May-2002 04:41 PM
 Re: F1-->Illegal work---->F1

I have similar questions, please help.

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