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31-May-2002 10:32 PM
 Re: F1-->Illegal work---->F1
My story is long. Let's make it short.

Situation then:
- I got academically disqualified in my last semester to graduate (Flunked all three courses that sem).

- Visa expired before that. I-20 also expired at that same semester.

- Did not dare to talk to school Int. student Office as did not receive friendly behaviour there.

- Applied and waited an year in vain for readmission in the school. Should have applied in other schools right away, but, mis-interpreted an F-1 rule. Thought that I must have the reinstatement from the original school.

Situation now - (after an year of pause)
- started in a new school. Hopefully, by December, I am graduating (bachelors). Good chance of getting in to MS degree.

- After talking to the Int. student office in new school, paused my reinstatement porcess for a while to buy the time to graduate (at the beginning of this spr semester, processing time for reinstatement was 2 months. If they say NO, very likely, I would not be able to finish my degree). Plan is to apply for re-instatement just before graduation, or, if I get my MS admission, right after that.

- worked illegally for a month using my SSN.

Additional info:
My major is Computer science. Both schools are state universities. One program is ABET accredited, the new one is not.

That is my story.

01-Jun-2002 12:31 AM
 Re: F1-->Illegal work---->F1
Considering all facts provided, you shall stay till you finished the undergraduate study and received the I-20s from the MS program before going to INS for reinstatement. You can ask the new school to give you a nice recommendation letter, find a doctor who can give you a leave of absence letter and make the whole out-of-status incident sounds like it was beyond your control, you might have better chance to get an approval.

I don't know why you mention you needed to wait 2 months for reinstatement? From my understanding, all reinstatements required walk-in interview with INS officer, maybe different states have different requirements ( I am in California ).

04-Jun-2002 09:10 AM
 Re: F1-->Illegal work---->F1
Hello Drifter,
I thought out of stauts is the end of the world... and I almost marry to my boyfriend just for the Green card....according to my lawyer said>> It is the best way. Well, I am in similar situation as Daisy. Would like know more info about "Reinstatment". Please e-mail me. Thank you.

04-Jun-2002 05:49 PM
 Re: F1-->Illegal work---->F1
My Int. Student advisor has told me almost the same thing (except the doctor's report part). The Int student office will provide a recomm. letter if I get into the MS program.

Mt int. student advisor told me that the processing time for reinstatement was two months then. I am not sure about the process, but, I recall her mentioning an interview in the local INS office in this regard.

Anyway, I am just doing my work now and that is study.

05-Jun-2002 06:37 AM
 Re: F1-->Illegal work---->F1
For you folks whom needs to apply reinstatement, I have few suggestions for the application. You must prepare the following:

1. Form I-539
2. $ 140 Money Order payable to INS
3. Transcript
4. Letter of Recommendation from your FSA or DSO
5. Bank Statement
6. Doctor・s letter
7. Study Plan

For those of you who are planning to further your education in USA, it is recommendable that you study at least one term in the new school before meeting INS.

Don・t be overly confident with just presenting a recommendation letter from your FSA, most of INS officers doesn・t buy that! A doctor letter is 10 times more effective than FSA・s.

Don・t hire an attorney, most of them doesn・t even understand what is a : Reinstatement; for F-1 student and yet they have no hesitation to empty your wallet first before conducting any research on it.

Reinstatement is NOT applicable to all out-of-status cases!

06-Jun-2002 04:09 AM
 Re: F1-->Illegal work---->F1
my email is please write me,
i'd like to ask a few questions. thanks a lot!

06-Jun-2002 06:06 AM
 Re: F1-->Illegal work---->F1
Daisy :

Please post your questions here , just in case I can't help you someone else can.



07-Jun-2002 12:36 AM
 Re: F1-->Illegal work---->F1
Hi, I am on a F-1 visa and out-of-status now. My reinstatement was denied so I was wondering if I stay here illegally for a couple of years would it prevent me from getting my green card when I marry my girlfriend who is an American citizen?


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