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17-Jul-2002 05:40 PM
  bank statement and college
when i asked my bank about getting an statement they just gave me a letter adressed to the usa embassy signed by the bank vice president saying im a beneficiary on my dad's account and that he has an account 'in the five keys figure' or whatever
they didnt give me any account balance because they said it's illegal to show it someone else because of bank pricacy rules
is that good enough?
also, they bank signed the 'certification of family funds' the school asked me to send the form i need to take to the embassy, it specifies the amount of $$ there
but the school didnt attatch a copy of it to the form they sent me, i got photocopies though, should i show that in the embassy too?
also, im going to a 2 years community college to study biology, is it ok if i say i'll apply for an university (in the usa) after im done? or they'll think it's suspicious or whatever?

22-Jul-2002 09:27 PM
 Re: bank statement and college
A beneficiary is by definition the next appointed owner, should the primary holder (you dad) pass the way. Nothing in that words' definition says that, while you dad is alive, he is willing to spend that money to finance your studies in the US, and that is what the consulate will look for during your application review. My suggestion is this: if your dad is willing to sponsor you, why doesn't he go get a statement that says something like " he has more than $20000 in his account..." (Assuming the consulate requires that your sponsor shows assets of at least $20000). This way, you dad doesn't have to give away all he owns, but he sill satisfies the requirement of the consulate and it will actually be better if your sponsor comes with you at the interview.

Hold on to the certificate of fund until the interviewer asks for it. if they ever deny you a visa based on insufficient evidence, you are entitled for a list of what was missing in your application.

For the 2 year college, it is better to leave things as is right now. and even thought you intend to stay longer to attend a university, don't tell them that. you can transfer at the end of your 2 year community college and get an extension. And remember, you have to persuade them that you want to come back home when you are done. If you give any hints that you want to stay in the US forever, you just signed your ticket for a visa denial.

Good luck


23-Jul-2002 02:47 AM
 Re: bank statement and college
thank you!

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