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International Students Online

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31-Jan-2002 06:34 PM
  overstayed,illegal work,community college
I came to the US on f1 student visa from Africa to go to University in 1998. During my first year my parents couldn't continue paying fees. I stayed in US have been working illegally using my social (employers haven't been checking at all) and now I enrolled at local community college. Unfortunately, denied me in-state because i lived here under illegal status and couldn; file tax return, and it's costing me alot. I really want to go back to school (a 4yr college with help of scholarship) but then comes trouble with my papers and I-20. this community college didn't issue me an I-20 and i am scared to ask, but come time to transfer what do i do. I have no status!My visa expired 1 year and a half ago. What do i do? Can i force them to transfer my 1-20. What if they say no? Will they deny me the right to take classes? About my illegal situation i'm looking to get married.Do you think it's a solution. Please help! I'm lokoking for lawyers but they're all asking for aroudn $7000.Please I need advice or tell me where to get it. Thank you and god bless!

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