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24-Jun-2002 03:16 AM
  Gun laws
I was wondering if a non-resident alien can legally own and carry firearms. Just curious.

[ This message was edited by: Serge on: 6-24-2002 03:14 ]

24-Jun-2002 04:33 PM
 Re: Gun laws
The law is Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1994. Part of this Act requires DOJ to establish a database "National Instant Criminal Background Checking System" (NICS). Persons who would be prohibited from purchasing a firearm as a result of data obtained by the NICS database checking are:

- Convicted felons and people under indictment for a felony

- Fugitives from justice

- Unlawful drug users or drug addicts

- Individuals who have been involuntarily committed to a mental institution or determined to be mentally incompetent.

- Illegal aliens and legal aliens admitted under a non-immigrant visa

- Individuals who have been dishonorably discharged from the military

- Persons who have renounced their American citizenship

- Persons subject to certain domestic violence restraining orders

- Persons convicted of misdemeanor crimes of domestic violence

So, students with non-immigrant visa (f-1) cannot purchase gun in the USA. The law applies for both long guns (rifles) and handguns (pistols).

I guess that helps your curiosity Serge.

26-Jun-2002 04:48 AM
 Re: Gun laws
Thank you, that was a very thorough reply. Are there any laws about practicing on a range with a rented gun, like if you rent it from that range?

[ This message was edited by: Serge on: 6-26-2002 04:48 ]

26-Jun-2002 02:37 PM
 Re: Gun laws
The amendment to 18 U.S.C. sec. 922(d) imposes felony penalties on any person who transfers a firearm to an alien "admitted to the United States under a non-immigrant visa," and the amendment to sec. 922(g) imposes felony penalties on any such alien who possesses a firearm. However, one section 18 U.S.C. secs. 922(a)(5)(B), (b)(3)(B) (prohibition of transfer of firearm to nonresident does not apply to "the loan or rental of a firearm to any person for temporary use for lawful sporting purposes."); 27 C.F.R. secs. 178.30(b), 178.97.16 Nonimmigrant aliens borrow or rent firearms at trap-and-skeet ranges, indoor shooting ranges, hunting preserves, and similar locations, and this activity is lawful.

I went to a shooting range one and a half year ago.

28-Jun-2002 03:52 AM
 Re: Gun laws
Thanks a lot, good to know.

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