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International Students Online

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21-Mar-2002 12:42 AM
puzzled me~~
I am currently studying in a college in the States. I am going to transfer to other schools. I applied several school. And I have already gotten several their offers, also some schools already sent me 1-20s, but I heard every student should have only 1 new issued I-20. So my question is if I need to ruturn other 1-20s, and only keep the one I am going to use. And How can get that 1-20 stamped or issued by INS? Thank you very much.

21-Mar-2002 01:48 PM
 Re: QQQQQestion:)
You should sent the I-20's back to the schools you don't want to attend. There's no law to do this but it's good for their record keeping.

When you decide on a school, you'll need to go to international student office and complete your transfer within 15 days of enrolling in your new school. If you're not leaving the US, your new school will issue you a transfer I-20. They'll take the top copy and send it to the INS. You can get a stamp two ways. The first is simply to wait for your next re-entry to the US and have it stamped at the boarder. The second is to go to you local INS office and get it stamped.

Good luck.


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