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24-May-2001 08:27 PM
  Out of status-options?
I came here last Fall and been in US for two semesters now.I fell short of two credits this semester due to which I was out of status.In order to be back in-status, I have two options:
1)Apply for reinstatement
2)Transfer to a new university and enter the country again with a new I-20.
I had a few doubts about the second option
If I re-enter the country with a new I-20, then is my past stay in US nulled? i.e do they account for these two semesters when looking at the CPT/OPT options in the new school?
Also, what are the risks involved in the second option.
I have a valid US Visa for 5 years.
I am skeptical about the first option since it is possible that the reinstatement get delayed for whatever reasons!
Please advice.


29-May-2001 02:42 AM
 Re: Out of status-options?
Many things depend on your International Student Advisor. The easiest way for you to get back in status would be to get a new I-20 from your advisor and reenter the country. Since your F-1 visa is still valid INS would most likely let you in without questions.

There were many conflicting reports on this board regarding reinstatement. I think that if you are confident that you can show that you got out of status as a result of circumstances beyound your control you can apply for reinstatement.

What does your advisor say? If s/he doesn't know what to do ask if they can give you an "initial attendance" I-20. By the way your advisor is the only person who can tell if you are in status or not. If they can't give you a new I-20 you may consider going to another college. Don't "transfer" to it, get a new I-20.

In case you transfer to another college talk to their advisor first. You will then need to get an initial attendance I-20 from them (not "transfer"). Not every school will do it for you.

As far as OPT goes you are allowed to have 12 months of OPT regardless of how many colleges you attend. You would have to wait 9 months before you apply for it if this is what you mean by your stay in US being nulled. The same thing would happen if you reenter with a new I-20 from your old school.

18-Jun-2001 09:56 PM
 Re: Out of status-options?
thanks serge..
One more thing..which I am still not clear about.
If I re-enter the country with a I-20 from a new school
does my earlier stay in US with the older University still count in the calculation for 9 months of stay in the US?

19-Jun-2001 03:56 AM
 Re: Out of status-options?
you said that you are only 2 credits short and why are you making such a big deal out of it? people are in trouble who miss school for at least one semester and short at least 12 credits. did you advisor said something to you regarding reinstatement? i don't think it is such a big deal, i had the same thing the first 2 semesters when i come to US, i would drop one class by the end of the semester because i was not able to understand the class ( english language) very well.

if you are planning to leave and come back to US with new I 20 from a new school, than your status will be nulled and it's like starting all over again.
good luck

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