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11-Apr-2001 04:12 AM
  Can I work while getting reinstated?
Hi All!
I applied for reinstatement but i still work(i have working permit). In one of the posts somebody said that while you are getting reinstated you cannot work (working permit is VOID) What about if i am in status now, i mean - i study full time and work part time,does it still mean that I can't work now , right?
Can INS know that i am working or not while they are proccessing my papers?
Thanks alot for your replies!

11-Apr-2001 08:04 PM
 Re: Can I work while getting reinstated?
If you're out-of-status, you remain out-of-status until you are reinstated (or leave the U.S. and return on a new I-20). Your being a full-time student now does not put you back into status if in fact you were out-of-status for some reason last month (or whenever).

Yes, you cannot legally work while out-of-status. You may want to talk with your int'l. student advisor about your circumstances & options.

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