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15-Jun-2001 05:01 PM
  community college and job.....
ok if im already enrolled in my regular college with an I-20, how do i enroll in a community college for summer classes ---what are the procedures---note im not transfering---

and do you know what are some jobs in the U.S that pay about $10 an hour I live in FL---do you have any idea what a hotel front desk worker makes?

16-Jun-2001 03:32 AM
 Re: community college and job.....
Just go to the admissions office and pay. Try getting a reduced rate if they have it for local residents. Don't bother with international students office.

20-Jun-2001 02:59 PM
 Re: community college and job.....
for a comparison of different jobs and the salaries go this type in your zip code and the relevant information.Goodluck.

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