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23-Feb-2001 09:49 AM
  working illegal in seattle
i live in poland and i am going to visit usa this summer. if i paid for my j-1 visa which is about 600$ i would earn nothing for myself... so i decided to go to seattle to find some illegal work in restaurants.
is seattle a "good" city for that ???
i would also appreciate some illegal restaurant job search tips, thanks.

28-Feb-2001 12:33 PM
 Re: working illegal in seattle
'Haven't heard much about the deportation facilities there.

02-Mar-2001 11:01 PM
 Re: working illegal in seattle
I don't know about Seattle. In case it doesn't work out try New York City. Let me give you some information. There's this Polish neighborhood in Brooklyn called Greenpoint (on G train). Over there you can find noticeboards with all sorts of information about jobs, apartments etc. There are several polish newspapers, the biggest is Nowyi Dziennik or something like that. It has a good classified section. Good luck. Also I think J-1 allowes you to work legally and get a Social Security #.

05-Mar-2001 09:27 PM
 Re: working illegal in seattle
I have a Lithuanian friend who came here on J-1 (he paid $2.000) and he actually had a working permit and got a Social Secirity number. Later on he changed his status to B-2.

Generally the American economy is in recession and jobs are somewhat harder to find then in the past.

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