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21-Apr-2001 12:27 AM
  App. for I-20 and BankStat. required for adm. decision?!?
SUNY-Purchase refuses to make an admission decision untill I send the app. for the I-20 form, bank statements, etc.

In the thread I've read that "colleges admissions decisions should not be made in reference to any visa-related concerns" (from BOB), in fact, many colleges don't require the app. for the I-20 with the admission application; the I-20 info is requested upon the eventual acceptance, and that seems preety logical.

This situation is getting problematic since I'll have the money in June (May if I'm lucky). Although I've been told that the official deadlines won't be a problem, and that they would make a decision as late as 2 weeks prior the first day of school, I got to know that it's very probable that there's not gonna be housing available! :S

Is there anyway I can convince this 'unexperienced' international admission advisor that she can accept me even without the I-20 app. form? An official document or something that I can quote (I told her that schools like CUNY and Montclair State University don't require it, but she told me "this is our policy").

This way I'd be able to send the deposit and secure housing space.

26-Apr-2001 05:59 PM
 Re: App. for I-20 and BankStat. required for adm. decision?!?
would somebody answer?!?!? you BOB?!?!?

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