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15-Aug-2002 04:16 PM
  OPT question
This was always a sticking point for me and there is little in the regs to explain how this is handled. Essentially, once the student affects an INS school transfer (that is, gets a new I-20 from the new school, and provides other paperwork to the new school's DSO) he has foreited his OPT- you are no longer doing post-completion pratical training but have begun a new program of study. On top of this, you do not qualify for another round of OPT after graduation of your 2nd degree (if you applied for the entire year of OPT the first time) unless you leave the country and do not return for 5 months.

How do you get around this? Well, a person, while working full-time on his OPT could begin classes in a new degree program without affecting a school transfer until the time when the OPT expires. There is nothing in the regs that says an F1 student cannot take classes while working full-time on his OPT.

Another option is to go home for 5 months then return with a new status and eligbility for OPT after completion of your 2nd program of study.

hope this is helpful

27-Sep-2002 12:53 PM
 Re: OPT question
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