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11-Feb-2001 05:48 PM
  H1 return to US
I am holding a H1 visa right now. I want to travel to my home country for about 2 weeks. I know many guys go to Canada or Mexico to get a visa there, then go home.
Later they can use the visa from Canada or Mexico to enter US. My question is: 1.Does it guarantee(normally) the reentry to US? 2. What if the application of H1 from Canada or Mexica denied? Can one still enter US from Canada or Mexico?


12-Feb-2001 09:28 PM
 Re: H1 return to US
I am not sure about the H-1 situation. With an F-1
visa you can get it at certain border posts in
Canada and Mexico - there are only 5 or 6 of them.
The visa given over there is as valid as a visa given
from your home country.

Our student advisor swears that you will be able to
return even if your application is denied since you
have a valid I-20 and an expired visa (I'm talking
about F-1 students). I must note that I've heard
from a couple of other advisors that you may have
difficulty returning.

More details:

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