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07-Apr-2001 04:34 PM
  Reinstatement and working permit
I see that many people on this board have problems with reinstatement, so maybbe someone will be able to help me.
I files to INS for reinstetment, i do not have an answer from them yet, i have working permit from INS that expires in MAY. When i applied for reinstatement i include financial proof that i can pay tuition and expense living. I want to prolong my working permit, but i do not know what kind of letter i have to write them, because i cannot say that i have financial problems. What are my options to prolong working permit?

09-Apr-2001 09:02 PM
 Re: Reinstatement and working permit
Actually, if you're out of status your work permit is void. You aren't supposed to work until you're back in status. Even then you may have to wait 9 months before applying for another work permit. Sorry for the bad news about that.

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