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12-Jul-2001 12:28 AM
  Help me plsss...
Does anybody out there know where i can find what exactly the INS say about b2 holders being allowed to start school while waiting for F1 approval? I really need your help. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

12-Jul-2001 12:41 AM
 Re: Help me plsss...
Does any out there know where exactly in the INS laws and regulations say that a person is "in status" once the application for change of b2 to f1 is filed?

12-Jul-2001 07:51 PM
 Re: Help me plsss...
i have this freakin' international student advisor and she doesn't know a thing about the INS bylaws for f1! go figure!!! I was the one who even told her that one could start school while while waiting for an INS approval... i just don't know where exactly it is in the INS laws but i just saw it by accident while i was surfing the net... i have this same question w/ mya where is it written in the INS laws that b2 holders are in status while waiting for the INS approval even though one's I-94 is expired.

12-Jul-2001 11:23 PM
 Re: Help me plsss...
i too have the same question... i wanna see a black and white of where does it say in the INS laws that one is in status while waiting for the approval of change of status from b2 to f1 and that where dows it say that even though one's I-94 is expired one is still "in statues" while waiting for the approval?

13-Jul-2001 04:59 PM
 Re: Help me plsss...
I found something suggesting that you can start your school before you apply for change of status:
8 cfr 248.1(c)

"(c) Change of nonimmigrant classification to that of a nonimmigrant student. A nonimmigrant applying for a change to classification as a student under sections 101(a)(15)(F)(i) or 101(a)(15)(M)(i) of the Act is not considered ineligible for such a change solely because the applicant may have started attendance at school before the application was submitted. ..."

I'll keep looking. And hey, don't spam the board.

03-Aug-2001 09:48 PM
 Re: Help me plsss...
hi guys. the intl student advisor at the community college i am applying to says that once you have applied for the visa you are in status and can start school. in fact, i am starting in september and she is not even going to apply for my change of status to f-1 until november (just before my I-94 expires). she is VERY cool and has been international student advisor at this school for 21 years, so must know what she is talking about!!!

16-Jan-2002 09:52 AM
 Re: Help me plsss...
Don't know where to find it but you can start your schooling right away. You gonna wait for a year to get the f1 approval. By that time you are still considered as a tourist status but legal to stay in the US and study.

26-Mar-2002 02:15 PM
 Re: Help me plsss...
I honestly do not remember where I read it ,once you didnot apply to any colleges before and have been here more than two months and can prove you did not come with the intension of going to schhol. you can have your B1 B2 change to a J1 but you have to be legal and you will get extension untill then.
good luck

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