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01-Jun-2001 04:04 PM
  Work Permit
i am in the process of getting work permit because of financial hardshi---and as i understand im only allowed 20 hrs. a week while school is in session---do you think that i will get in trouble if i work more than that? would anything happen?

02-Jun-2001 04:58 PM
 Re: Work Permit
You can work more than 20 hours, INS can catch you only if they call or come over to the place you will work at ( that does not happen too often, they have more important stuff to do than looking for people who work more that they have to) INS can not see if you are working or not and how many hours, IRS know that but they do not disclosure this information to INS. Don't forget that while you are working you have to attend school as a full time student otherwise you will loose your status and you will have to apply for reinstatement.

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