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18-Feb-2001 12:18 PM
  F2 dependent visa
My husband is a student and my kids and I hold F2 Dependent Visa. We have been in the USA for 4 years now. I want to go through a divorce, what will happen to my status? I need help because I want to go back to my homeland but husband and kids want to finish their education here in the USA. I am in deep trouble.
Please help me. Is there a way to stay in status and get a divorce still??
Divorce will take some time.
Please help me soon.Am having sleepless nights over this issue.Husband and kids are adamant about wanting to live and continue their studies here in the USA.

03-Mar-2001 02:52 AM
 Re: F2 dependent visa
Unfortunately your status is tied to your husbands. If you get divorced, than you would have to leave the U.S. or otherwise be "out-of-status." There are a great number of people staying in the U.S. who are "out-of-status." It keeps them from becoming permanent residents, but for the most part they don't have to worry about the government isolating them, or taking an active interest in deporting them.

Your situation sounds quite difficult, but if your goal is to return home, then the question of your legal status here would seem to be a relatively minor concern.

I hope things work out for you one way or another.

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