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10-Jun-2002 09:46 PM
  Change of status J1 to F1
Hy guys, I'm in the United States on a J1 visa( practical training for 1 year)and I just got accepted to an University here, for a master's degree.The Student advisor told me that I need to actually have the F1 visa in my passport in order to enroll for classes. I know that before Sept. 11 you could sign for the semester without a visa, only with an I20 form, and apply for a visa whenever you decide to go home for a visit.If anyone knows what the exact procedure is now, please, let me know ASAP, because school starts Sept.1st. Also, in what cases do I need to send my I20 for approval from INS? If I'm applying for a visa from my country, do I still need to send I20 to INS? Thank you all in advance!

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