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25-Apr-2002 12:44 AM
  How long does it take to approve F1 visas??
Keyur patel
I am on a B-2 visa status and I had posted my I-20 and other documents to the INS through a lawyer since february, so how much time does it take for the INS to process the information and to approve the F1 visas?
Can someone please help me out? perhaps I might help you out later.Thanks.

04-May-2002 12:25 AM
 Re: How long does it take to approve F1 visas??
It usually takes appx. 8 to 12 months before the 9-11. After 4/2002, INS promise to approve/disapprove within 30 days but we have not seen the promise being delived as of today. I will keep U posted if you can send me your e-mail address.

27-May-2002 08:42 PM
 Re: How long does it take to approve F1 visas??
i want to do the same thing, i.e. to change my status from B2 to F1. will you please tell me, what courses you are taking and about the documents you gave to INS

[ This message was edited by: marmaduke on: 5-27-2002 20:40 ]

29-May-2002 01:34 AM
 Re: How long does it take to approve F1 visas??
is that how long it takes now??? when i got mine in '98 it took one day. all i did was go to an embassy with completed forms and your passport and other documents for an interview and within a few hours i was approved. 8 to 12 months?? HOW??

29-May-2002 05:50 AM
 Re: How long does it take to approve F1 visas??
yeah... we are talking about change of status in USA not getting a visa. in 1998! i think at that time, INS was replying to ur application after an year!!! right now they have promised to reply u back in 30 days... but its not happening... and thats what we are disussing here!

29-May-2002 02:28 PM
 Re: How long does it take to approve F1 visas??
i misunderstood then..if you are talking about change of status while in the US then i can understand it taking almost a year...but can you enroll in classes while the application is processing???

29-May-2002 06:00 PM
 Re: How long does it take to approve F1 visas??
not anymore... before they would allow you to take the classes when your application for change of status was in process.. but not anymore.. now u have to have your status approved from INS before you enroll for the classes. INS promised that they will take action in 30 days, after the application is received... but still.. don;t kow how long they will take.

29-May-2002 06:58 PM
 Re: How long does it take to approve F1 visas??
My source of information tells me a different version of interpretation on the newest change in law governing COS eligibility. If you enter US before 4/12 and were giving a 6-month to stay as B-2, you can attend schools (except aviation school) while waiting for F-1 approval. If you enter US after 4/12, you will have to wait till you get an approval from INS before starting courses.

01-Jun-2002 12:57 AM
 Re: How long does it take to approve F1 visas??
One of my friends from Indonesia submitted the application on 4/22/02 and received an approval yesterday!

I guess INS is complying with the promise.

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