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21-Jun-2002 01:37 AM
  Exact meaning of 60 days. Want keep my status for $1000.
Hi there,

I have F1 visa, but it expired. However, my I-94 stamped D/S. I finished my ESL course last month (in May 20th) in USA. Therefore from May 20th to today I have no school yet. I understood that I have 60 day to transfer another school. I have 2 questions:

1. I want to apply an ESL school again. But June session of that school has already started in June 16th. My friend told me "You understood wrong about 60 days. You can't enroll that school, because you missed the chance. You must look for another school which it's session doesn't begin between May 20th and today. 60 day doesn't mean you can transfer 59th day. You must enroll you new school's first available session after May 20th". So, is it true? Help me to understand 60 days. Can I apply that school (it's June session already started. But July session will begin July 16th)for July session?

2. I heard from someone that there is a ESL school which I can take a special service. This service costs $1000. Period of this service is 1 year. The main idea is I will apply that school and pay $1000. The school will accept and give me I-20. However I don't study at that school actually. I am free, and I don't study, but I am legal student for 1 year. The school keep my F1 status legally and I assumed that I am studying full time. OK. Therefore, how is it safe if I involved this special service??? Is there any risk?

My visa expired in May15th of 2002. But my session finished May20th. Please help me to understood, because my 60 days are going fast.

Thank you very much.

22-Jun-2002 01:28 AM
 Re: Exact meaning of 60 days. Want keep my status for $1000.
The 60 days grace period is limited to transfer students. Your friend was right about that. You shall go back to the previous school and ask them for a late registration option. If rejected, then you shall transfer to a new school before July 20.

What¡¦s the name of that visa school? I can help you find out if they are on INS black list.

28-Jun-2002 04:32 AM
 Re: Exact meaning of 60 days. Want keep my status for $1000.
What do you know about the black list?

28-Jun-2002 05:25 PM
 Re: Exact meaning of 60 days. Want keep my status for $1000.
Currently there are about 77,000 institutes in USA, which can provide you with 1-20. One of them is San Diego golf school.

03-Jul-2002 09:48 PM
 Re: Exact meaning of 60 days. Want keep my status for $1000.
I'd rather go to a yoga school, not golf...

Normally it depends on the advisor. Our advisor sais they can stretch it from May to September without any problems. But we are not a dodgy visa school or anything.

There is a risk using schools like the one you are talking about, but I've heard of people who were able to get away with it. It's illegal, obviously.

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