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03-Jan-2002 05:21 AM
  work illegally
What are the laws regarding foreign students working illegally.

03-Jan-2002 10:39 AM
 Re: work illegally
You need an Employment Authorization Document and a Social Security Number to work legally. See your int'l. student advisor about maintaining your status and applying for these. If you work illegally, the long-term consequence (if it's detected through tax records, etc.), is that you'd be ineligible for permanent residency. A worst-case scenario would be getting caught in an INS raid of your employer's business, in which case you might be detained and later deported. That scenario isn't especially likely, though it would me more likely now as opposed to the time prior to 9/11/01.

06-Jan-2002 10:21 PM
 Re: work illegally
what are the chances once caught by the INS working illegally of deportation.Is there a chance of ever having a life in America.

07-Jan-2002 12:24 AM
 Re: work illegally
I'm not sure what the chances of being caught or being deported are, but if caught a person would forfeit the possibility of becoming a permanent resident.

I think the INS operates on a similar principle as the IRS. They occasionally make an example out of someone to encourage compliance with the law. You don't want to be the person that they make the example of, so you tend to play it that much more safely than if they never did anything.

13-Jan-2002 11:02 PM
 Re: work illegally
Illegal work could mean different hings.

Like Frank said if you get caught they'll make an example out of you and they will probably deport you.


1. You can work "off the books" - meaning your employer knows he's not supposed to employ you and he isn't filing your taxes. Most likely he is a small businessman and he's paying you cash. He can also pay you in checks (try to avoid this) but you would probably want to cash these checks somewhwre rather then deposit them to your bank account. In this case the INS would have to actually raid your employer's company and check his workers and arrest you - it happens, but NOT often. Otherwise they will never know about you.

2. Many foreigners who have a social security number keep working even if they are not allowed to (by INS). In this case their employer files taxes and the IRS (and "potentially" the INS) knows about their employment. Many people were able not to get caugt in this situation but you would take a certain risk - INS can check your employment (tax) history based on your SSN, like when you apply for a Green Card. If you are not particulary concerned about you future in America you could try this. This is the kind of illegal employment the student advisors usually warn you against.

3. Fake papers. One can get a fake SSN and maybe other papers. In that case I don't know the details but it looks like you can work until IRS asks your employer or YOU for explanations. I know one girl who was personally contacted by the IRS about the fake SSN she once gave to her employer - I don't know how it ended but you don't want to be in her place. In case you are a totally an illegal alien you can try fake papers - you have got nothing to lose anyway.

I believe that currently INS is deporting everyone they can to show they are doing something against terrorism. But what do i know.

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