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22-Feb-2001 07:21 PM
I just arrived to the US recently. I was issue a green
I-94 form.I understand that this form allows me to stay for not more than 90 days. But I want to stay here either to work or study for a long term.( i intend to stay here permanently). Which kind of visa should i get? F-1 or H-1B? I only completed the equivilent of high school education in my home country.
What should I do? My Visa is about to expire in about a month's time. Is there any alternative beside F-1 or H-1B? Please HELP!!!!!!!!!

26-Feb-2001 08:12 PM
 Re: HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am not 100% sure about this but I think a green I-94 means that you came on a visa waiver and you don't have a visa in your passport (a sticker with your photograph on it). In that case you are not able to change your status to F-1.

If I'm wrong and you do have a visa then the fastest way to change your status to F-1 is to go to an ESL school or some other school (authorized to issue I-20)with a short admission process.

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