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17-Jul-2000 08:40 PM
  i have a probleam...
is that im an illegal in the u.s. but i really wana go to college and my conselour said that if i was a u.s. citizen i could get in any college. i wana get a f1 visa so i could at least apply to a college. is that my family are not illegal and they already aply so i could stay here in the u.s. and INS accept us and they are already in proccess but the probleam is that it has been 5 years since that and we havent gotten nothing. what could i do to get a visa or a passport or anything to be not illegal in the u.s. and so they could accept me in college?

18-Jul-2000 04:20 AM
 Re: i have a probleam...
Looks like the best way for you to study is to go to a community college where they accept illegals. There's no way you can get a student visa, though.

However, there are some laws concerning illegal immigrants that we do not know much about. For example you are allowed to apply for a green card lottery. Also every 5 years or so the US government gives amnition to illegal immigrants (we don't know the details).

Sorry we can't help you more. I guess you can't leave the country and come back on a student visa in your situation (that could be a possible solution).

29-Jul-2000 07:08 PM
 Re: i have a probleam...
You can get a student visa, you dont have to be in another country to get a student visa. If you came here illegally and your green card is pending then you can because you already paid a fine for coming here illegally. Just apply as an international student to colleges, but you must show a financial statment stating that you can paid for a least one academic year of college. If you dont have any money than get a loan. Theres a company that gives loans to international students who wants to study in the US.
Go to Yahoo and tipe international financial aid, then click on the web page that says International Education Finance Corporation.

30-Jul-2000 04:31 AM
 Re: i have a probleam...
June, could you tell us in which situation an illegal immigrant can apply for a Green Card? I understand from your answer that if the application is "pending" they can study and get a student (F-1 ?) visa. But when can they apply?

We get a lot of emails with this question (can an illegal immigrant get a student visa) but we don't know the exact answer. It would help a lot of people if you could tell us at least where to look. I'll try to find the answer on the INS site, of course.

I've seen the IEFC site. Do you know how difficult it is to get a loan and is it a good deal?

Thanks a lot.

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