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11-Apr-2001 04:22 AM
  BOB! why working permit is Void, while getting reinstated?(see more inside)
Bob, thank you for your reply to my topic.
On form I 539, -the form for reinstatement, on the back pages it says: You MAY NOT work while getting reinstated. What does INS mean by you MAY NOT WORK??? did INS recently changed their rules? where did you get this info that your working permit is void while getting reinstated? and one more question: does INS check the student if he/she is working or not while processing his/her papaperwork for reinstatement?

Thank you.

11-Apr-2001 07:47 PM
 Re: BOB! why working permit is Void, while getting reinstated?(see more inside)
This has always been the case. If you're out of status, you can't be working legally. Since you're out-of-status, any work that you do would by definition be illegal. Once you get back into status, via reinstatement, then you can re-establish your legal right to work.

This applies to on-campus work and assistantships as well. If you're out-of-status, you're supposed to stop working until you're back in status again.

I don't know how closely INS scrutinizes this. I know some int'l. student advisors turn a blind eye to their out-of-status students who continue working while they apply for a reinstatement, or otherwise make arrangements to get back into status.

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