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05-Jul-2002 07:04 AM
  Employment authorizations based on large debt
I got a question which I hope someone here can answer. A friend of mine who graduated 6 months ago is currently $5000 in debt from credit card bills and is unable to work due to the INS regulations. He's also been out of status for over 2 years because of a class he dropped during his sophomore year.

Since he's graduated, there is no point in renewing his student status. I'm not sure if this is grounds for deportation, however if the INS does issue a removal notice, what's gonna happen to the $5000 that he owes?

Is this reason sufficient to apply for a work permit in order to pay off his debts? If the application is rejected, the INS will surely send him a removal notice. Does this mean he'll get a free trip home and doesn't have to pay the $5000? Either way, what do you think would happen? WIll the INS pay off his debts just to get him out of this country?

05-Jul-2002 07:37 AM
 Re: Employment authorizations based on large debt
People like him really gives bad names to foreign students in this country.
Careless with leagl status, $5000 in debt and still expect INS to pay off his debts and send him home with a free air plane ticket? Hahahahahaha........
Get a life !

06-Jul-2002 04:42 AM
 Re: Employment authorizations based on large debt
No, they are not going to give him a working permit. The strange thing about American credit system is that it's based only on your SSN. SSN? That piece of paper, you know. Hence after you leave the country they don't even know who you are. I don't suggest anything here, just making a comment.

Anyway, I've read that it's not uncommon for foreighners to max out their credit cards (shipping a full container home) and leave the country for good. At least under their current identity.

Obviously the right thing to do is to go back to your country and keep paying off your debt, just to keep your personal integrity.

But don't you think that something's wrong here? Like, I have a long credit history in my home country with Visa or Mastercard or even AmEx. How hard it is to check with them rather than make me start under a brand new identity with a bad credit? You know, globalization and all of that.

Sorry for the rant.

[ This message was edited by: Serge on: 7-6-2002 04:40 ]

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