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10-Apr-2001 04:44 AM
  can I leave the US before gettig my OPT card?
I applied for my OPT card, to start working on June 4th. I have not received the card yet. I want to go to my home country for one week before start working. I am currently a full time student and the spring semester will finish in the second week of may. My questiong is:
can I leave the US and return with just the international advisor's signture on the back of my I-20 without getting the OPT card yet? If I leave the country, does it have any implication on my OPT application?

11-Apr-2001 08:09 PM
 Re: can I leave the US before gettig my OPT card?
Most advisors would discourage you from leaving before you receive your work permit for OPT. This has become more of a problem with the extended period of time now required for OPT applications. If you can prove that you have something academic to return to, then you're more likely to get back without a problem.

Still, the INS officer at the port-of-entry may notice the endorsement for OPT on the back of your I-20 and wonder where the work permit is. This could be a problem for you.

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