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11-Apr-2001 02:14 PM
  skipping a semester
Spring 2000 I did not attend classes, summer term 1 and 2 I attended both sessions full time (six credit hours each), then I did not attend Fall 2000, then Spring 2001 I have been full time.

Do you think I would be considered out of status? Would I need to be full time this summer and in the fall?

11-Apr-2001 04:12 PM
 Re: skipping a semester
Yes, you need to attend school as a full time student for spring and fall semester, at least 12 units each, but if your school accepted you without problems and did not say that you have to file for reinstatement then i think you do not have a problem. Try not to skip spring and fall semesters, you can get into trouble by loosing your status.

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